Friday 18 May 2012

Food issues!

I shake my head over these issues............

Autism and food

Autism and sensory issues and food

Autism and low muscle tone and food?

We were doomed right from the very start and I gotta tell you...... my son and his food have given me many a headache over the years!

His diet is extremely restrictive. Oh, he will eat breakfast for lunch and lunch for breakfast, however, offer him any new food and he will refuse to eat it!

Take tonight for example; he is mad about macaroni cheese, however, the cheese sauce has to been very runny and smooth. I guess this is a sensory *thing*! Pasta is all well and good, but what about the protein? I very sneakily diced up a small piece of cooked chicken and mixed it in with the good ol' mac and cheese!

Well, would you believe it, he found a teeny weeny piece of chicken and then that was that!! The dinner ended up in the bin! 

Sadly, because of the autism, there is no way I can resort to bribery and blackmail ~ he just doesn't get it! :)

What to do, what to do?

You know what? Tomorrow is another day, I will think about it then! 


  1. That would be hard to find something he will eat. My daughter has Asperger's (she's 26 now); when she was living at home, she pretty much ate everything and anything (except the veggies most kids don't like to eat). Sorry you have to deal with this.


    1. Hi Betty, thanks for stopping by.... you are fortunate that your daughter wasn't fussy like my child. Oh well, at least he looks healthy! :)

  2. Hi. My son has a very restrictive diet too. It is crazy hard to get any protein into him. Other than McDonald's chicken nuggets, but who can afford that daily? I have bought powdered whey protein mix and try to sneak it into anything I can. I have the vanilla flavor and the chocolate. He refuses it if I try to mix it in a drink. It just doesn't mix smooth enough and has an odd taste. I can add it to baked goods, like muffins, pancakes, cookies, etc. I don't know how much it really helps, but I figure every little bit is a little bit. I know how you feel!

    1. Hi BoosMom
      So frustrating! I guess all we can do is go slowly slowly! At least they are eating! I am so envious that your son eats baked goods! :-)
      Thank you for taking the time to comment. x

    2. Isn't it matter what a particular child chooses to eat, his/her parents always envy what other children eat. Have you ever noticed that? I found myself envious that yours eats mac and cheese. Boo won't touch pasta of any variety.

  3. Oh crumbs, I am so bad at blogging! BoosMom, I am sorry that it has taken me an age to reply!! You are so right.. we do envy what other kids eat!! I guess all we can do is give each other ideas to try and out or otherwise we can just commiserate with each other! :)


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