Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Half an hour for me....

I have gained weight over the last three years and I don't like it. My clothes are too tight and as for that roll that sits above the waistband of my jeans... Waaah. Perhaps it is also an age thing. The skin on the top of each hand is beginning to look old, in fact my hands are beginning to look like my mother's hands!

I don't want to grow old................

My friends talk about growing old gracefully. OK, let's be truthful here, only a few of my friends utter those words! The rest of us are desperate to hold back time. We talk the talk and discuss the whys and hows. We chatter like a troupe of  monkeys and we giggle, oh how we giggle.

We don't want to grow old.....

Look, there is not a lot I can do about it!!  Is there?

The one thing I am going to do is cut back on my chocolate eating and take up some exercise. The easiest and cheapest from of exercise for me is walking.... give me some time and I may throw in some running!

The beauty of having a teenager in the house is leaving him to keep an eye on his younger sibling. The sibling is twelve, however, he has special needs and I wouldn't like to leave him alone without a carer.

I waved bye bye to the kids and hit the road, so too speak. I put my head down and walked solidly for half an hour! You know what, it did me the world of good. I got in some exercise and also had some *time out*. Win win. x


  1. That is great that you took the time for yourself and got exercise! Walking is the bestest of exercise like you mentioned! And with cell phones these days you are always in touch with the homefront even though you aren't right there and can be back sooner than later if something needs to be taken care of there. Good for you for thinking of getting your body in shape at a healthy weight. We may be getting older and we can't stop that, but we can help ourselves feel the best we can with what we have to work with :)


    1. Betty, I really need to make it a regular habit! Thank you for your comment. :)


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